Trillanes highlights some interesting characteristics of the Aquino presidency

An adversarial relationship with the Judiciary
After the whole brouhaha around his swearing into the Office of the President, Noynoy cannot emphasise enough his new-found respect for the Justice system of the land:
"There was no intention on the part of the executive branch, especially the President, to cross the line or disrespect the jurisdiction of the judiciary," Communications Group member Herminio Coloma said over government-run dzRB radio.
Coloma said the order for review "springs from Mr. Aquino's campaign and oath of office, which is to do justice to every man," and nothing more.
A debt of gratitude to Kamaganak Inc
Good, bad, or whatever, there will always be scrutiny around Noynoy's motives surrounding every move he makes:
Coloma dismissed as "speculative" observations that the President's order was tied to Trillanes' support for Mr. Aquino's party mate and ally, Sen. Francis Pangilinan, in the battle for Senate President.
Trillanes, although he backed the candidacy of losing presidential candidate Sen. Manuel Villar Jr., has signed a resolution expressing support for Pangilinan's bid to head the Senate.
Keep trying Mr President.
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