Noynoy comes up with a solution to his first challenge as President!

Faced with a mountain of campaign promises he will likely be unable to keep, President Benigno "Noynoy" Aquino III now latches foolishly onto one that he has full personal control over -- his decision not to use motorcades to expedite his morning commutes from his daddy's house to his office in Malacanang. His family newsetter reports...
President Benigno Aquino III will not yield to suggestions that he finally allow his escorts to use sirens (wangwang, in street lingo) and cut himself a path through Metro Manila's traffic jams just to ensure his own safety and make it to his appointments on time.

And his solution? Read on...
"There's a solution so he won't be late. He will leave earlier. He will wake up earlier," Lacierda said in Filipino at the weekly Palace forum aired over state-run Radyo ng Bayan.

On to the next challenge.


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