Staunch Aquinoists start to hedge their bets as "evil" bogeymen withdraw

Jose Montelibano in his recent article published on the Aquino Family Newsletter sums up the hollowness ringing increasingly louder in the aftermath of a frenziedly zealous crusade to propel Benigno "Noynoy" Aquino III to the top office of the land...
The realization that will hit us who supported Noynoy Aquino is that things are not so bright even with Gloria gone. In the past month and a half since the elections last May 10, the ugliness of Philippine politics immediately reared its monstrous head. In-fighting inside Noynoy's camp started early with accusations of betrayal by Mar and company as long-time Cory Aquino friend and loyal ally, Jojo Binay, produced a political miracle by coming from the bottom of the ladder to win the vice-presidency. The accusations, or insults, formed from gutter language, mostly through text messages from prepaid SIM cards or Facebook postings, hit relatives of Noynoy including his sisters. This scenario produced a life of its own that will persist in the years to come.

Deal with it guys.

All the "evil" bogeymen that the Yellow Army used as a backdrop to highlight Noynoy's sugar-and-spice-and-everything-nice "campaign" have disappeared into the night gracefully -- the "failure of election" was not quite the disaster they hoped would incite the next Edsa "revolution", all who ran against him conceded honourably, and last but not least, the "evil empress" Gloria Arroyo bowed out in a blaze of charm that is sure to capture the hearts of our nation of starstruck ignoramuses.


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