Catholic Bishops continue to hinder progress with sex education

The Roman Catholic Church remains consistent to its 2000-year primitivist form continuing to hinder enlightenment by blocking the dissemination of knowledge from people who need it the most:
Sex education has been integrated in subjects like Biology but, this time the Catholic Church is protesting a specific United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) project to offer it as a separate subject initially in 80 public elementary schools and 79 high schools.

Education officials insist that the Church has nothing to worry about because DepEd is open to deleting portions of the teaching modules that it finds offensive.

Furthermore they are overstepping their bounds by meddling directly in what should be a state prerogative delivered by an institution answerable to the Government (which by virtue of the vote and representation in the Legislature, is answerable to the people):
Valisno said that she had invited the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) to a dialogue.

But Bishop Nereo Odchimar, CBCP president, said in an interview over the Church-operated Radyo Veritas that "there may not be time within the near future" for a consultation with DepEd officials.

The issue, which has long found the DepEd and the CBCP on opposite sides, would likely be tackled at the CBCP plenary in July, said the Tandag bishop. By that time, Valisno's term would have already lapsed with the entry of the new administration.

The CBCP has expressed concern over DepEd's plans to include sex education in the basic education curriculum, contending that this is better taught at the home.

"We'll have to make our position clear," Odchimar said.

As sayeth in the bible: "Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar". The role of the Church is to work on people's spirituality. People, in turn, are responsible for their personal well-being, and that responsibility is manifested in how they represent themselves in government (through the vote and their representatives in Congress). In this regard, Government should reflect how its constituents represent themselves through their institutions, and the Church should evaluate itself according to how people respond to its dogma and teachings.

That is what your "position" is Bishop Odchimar. How people choose to deal with their secular government is their business. If your men in robes do not like what they see, then they should work at improving their persuasion skills (take accountability for the failure of this persuasion machinery rather than blame it on "sinners"!). Catholic people choosing to use contraceptives is an indictment of that 2000-year dogma that the Church continues to impose on modern society.


  1. These Catholic bishops and priests have got to get over themselves. But can't really blame them. They're just pushing for what they believe in. And because they believe it is their utmost duty to protect and uphold the Catholic dogma, they will never change their stance, never mind the sad reality that the exploding population results in more poverty.

    The bad thing is that the country is like 90% Christian, so the Church has a very strong influence.
    The good thing is that the government's decision prevails.

    Sana lang wag tanga ang gobyerno at magpa-under sa simbahan. At wag maging duwag to be censured by the conservative Catholic community and become politically unpopular.

  2. Reform depends on the people who practice the Catholic faith. If they step up to taking the clergy to task for the misguidance they disseminate, it will force them to re-evaluate.

    It's up to the people and their ability to apply a bit of brain.

  3. The CBCP aka Corruptus Bastardos Commissar Princepes - Notorius hollier than thou morons do not read the written works of their brethren made available in the vast Vatican Library; whom benefits only the dust and cobwebs. Behold! The Internet is up and running and I din't go to Rome to know about Thomas Aquinas and Aurelius Augustinus. Their Literary Masterpieces are contra to what you lot are saying, and if you invalidate them as heretics then why in the heck they are Saints! It is perhaps you are in amored with Torquemada his one of the many subtle approach is subverting the mind and/or perhaps the lot of you has an exact affinity with the 'Gospel of Liberation Theology' the wellness it gives to all coming out of your rectum.

  4. ^ Speak for yourself Mr Anonymous. You are one of the millions - product of Martin Luther desecrating the bible that is why you exist in many names claiming all to be Protestants but argues among yourselves - b@llsh!tz


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